About Similar Song

Please note you can not make songs similar that are by the same band or artist, we know this already - anyways what would be the point. SimilarSong is about finding songs similar to a song that you like by different artists. If you are a band/artist add a few mp3's of your music and let SimilarSong users say what's songs are similar, you can agree or disagree or you can say what you think is similar (as long as both songs are on the site anyone can say they are similar). SimilarSong is your one stop music industry social networking site where Users can: • find similar songs, • advertise your band or music, • find band/music members/friends, • find artists to produce/record, • book bands or get booked, • find venues or entertainment, • get signed by music labels in your city, • find a band to sign or sponsor, • find local or international music for your ad campaigns or company. SimilarSong is a "consumer generated content" music site, for social networking within a music community. Unbiased music opinion and music search. SimilarSong allows you to discover new or old music that is similar to the music you like. SimilarSong allows musicians to be found or lets you find music or musicians.