Gav Profile

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Your rating: None (2 votes)
Your rating: None (4 votes)

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Picture Activity Updated date
Stefania Stefani's picture
Stefania Stefani added Album: Symphonic Rock 2 2018-12-04 17:27
Stefania Stefani's picture
Stefania Stefani added Artist: Extreme Music 2018-12-04 17:27
Stefania Stefani's picture
Stefania Stefani added Song: Numb - Meg Myers 2018-12-04 17:22
Stefania Stefani's picture
Stefania Stefani added Album: Take Me To The Disco 2018-12-04 17:21
Stefania Stefani's picture
Stefania Stefani added Song: Ready for This (feat. Dan Murphy - All Good Things 2018-12-04 17:07


create/add a song, you need

create/add a song, you need to have youtube open and google pics. save the artwork and just paste the URL of the youtube video. ignore/leave the audio space blank. Let me know if you need help?